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TCI Cutting integrates the intelligent production management software Manager to its machines

TCI Cutting integrates the intelligent production management software Manager to its machines

TCI Cutting integrates the intelligent production management software Manager to its machines

TCI Cutting integrates its intelligent production management software Manager to both its highly autonomous industrial fiber laser cutting machines and its industrial automation systems, thus optimizing the performance of automation equipment and systems and taking control of the entire production plant in a digital environment.

The intelligent Manager software enables full transparency of the production flow by providing a multitude of data in real time to the general management of the company, the plant manager, the cutting operator, the work centers and any other worker in the company. factory. The ‘tracking’ of the production cycle is transversal, from the generation of offers, the realization of budgets and orders, planning and integral traceability, production, stock control, integration between systems, dispatch and sales, as well as the business intelligence module, all remotely and from any device. This translates into fast and accurate decision-making based on data with the aim of increasing 360º productivity rates, thanks to the digitization of all processes in a smart factory environment, for total control and simplification of tasks and plant processes.

In the words of Salva Martí, general director of TCI Cutting, “each client has its own production process with very specific stages, sub-stages and tasks in each case.” No two clients are the same. Our experts are in charge of analyzing each peculiarity and developing proposals entirely as they maximize benefits, streamline processes, reduce movements in the factory and automate non-productive and repetitive tasks in a digital environment”.


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